Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Here is a poster and trailer for Brad Anderson's Vanishing on 7th Street. Hayden Christensen (Shattered Glass), Thandie Newton (Run, Fat Boy, Run) and John Leguizamo (Super Mario Bros.) star as survivor of some apocalyptic event where shadows eat people's bodies and leave their clothes.

I have slight hope for this one since Anderson was behind the great The Machinist. At the same time, with Christensen in it, there's sure to be plenty of whining. Plus, it's about living shadows that eat people and leave their clothes.


  1. john leguizamo has haunted my dreams since son of sam. also, i dont know what it is - but i think this looks good. or could be good, anyway. i like hayden christianson, but only because i've only ever seen him in that movie with kevin klein where he plays the whiny teenager with blue hair and a huffing problem and he builds a house with his dying father.

  2. wait, son of sam? what am i even talking about?
