Here is the new poster and first trailer for Matt Reeves' Let Me In. This is a remake of the recent, and masterful Let The Right One In, a 2008 Swedish release, directed by Tomas Alfredson. Both films are adaptations of the novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist, who also wrote the original screenplay.
Matt Reeves, a close friend of J.J. Abrams, gained fame from directing Cloverfield. At first glance, it's evident the American trailer takes many scenes from its Swedish counterpart. Right One In was very methodical in its storytelling, not one scene was out of order. It had a slow-burn quality to it, culminating with one of the most exceptional endings in recent memory. There was a certain ambiguity to its actions as well though. My biggest fear, is that Let Me In will spell everything out to the audience, instead of leaving thoughts and perceptions to the imagination.
The original Swedish trailer follows the American remake.
Let The Right One In is available to rent now, and Let Me In will be in theatres October 1st, 2010.
yeah, this is cool. i didn't know they were making this. i doubt it'll be as good as the original (nothing ever is) but i'm still gonna see it. Though i'm with you in that it'll probably be dumbed down.